Friday, June 5, 2015

Period Panties...

Have you ever just wished you had special period panties that had a built in panty liner and were printed in bright colored bloody designs?  Well apparently the folks at Harebrained Designs though we all did.

These things make me giggle hysterically...

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Devil's Doorbell

I know there is a lot of religious backlash about women enjoying sexual stimulation... but this image was posted to facebook and I had to laugh.  Because....seriously?!?!?!?!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Empower your Tesseract!

The Vagina Cape!
What started as an angry joke after reading a bunch of hateful, slut shaming men's comments after a women made a twitter comment regarding tampons (because obviously, not only does having a period make her a slut, ANY mention of female reproductive systems makes misogynists go all crazy-eyes) has turned into an actual thing.

 "Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and
sensitive! If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things take
a pounding."

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Know your Tesseract

I really enjoy Nextflix's Orange is the New Black.  I am really clear that this is not a realistic portrayal of women in American prisons, but it is a fun and compelling show. One of my favorite characters is Sophia, an intelligent, confidant and knowledgeable woman (yes, she's trans and she's black and she's AWESOME)! In season two there is an episode where we discover that several of the characters don't have the slightest understanding of their own anatomy, they don't even know that the urethra (pee hole) exists.  And Sophia shows up with her handy mirror to help, and even later gives them an anatomy lesson with a chart!  Now that is educational television!

Clip of the Hole Conversation

Clip of Sophia's anatomy lesson


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The most radical thing...

"...One of the most radical things a girl can do is to own her body..."     - Staceyann Chin

So, I watched this video on YouTube and I have to say this woman is wonderful, inspiring and fierce.  She speaks to me (and my tesseract) in ways that scream, "Yes, YES, you tell it sister!"  So, if you are embarrassed about the story of your first menses, or struggling with maintaining your boundaries, or there are things you haven't been about to talk to anyone about.  Speak up, because the most radical thing you can do is to own your body!

Own it girl!

Friday, March 14, 2014

What does your tesseract smell like?

Silk:  Hey Satin, do you ever get that "not so fresh" feeling.
Satin: Why, yes, Silk, I do!

You know, I haven't seen a douche commercial in ages, which may be because they don't show them on television any more or because I don't watch television anymore... but still. I remember being confused by them when I was a kid, and bugging my mom about it. What is that? How are you supposed to use it? WHY? The fact that these products are still available everywhere bugs me.

I still don't understand society's compulsion to cover a natural body scent with cloying or chemical smells... it's creepy.  I don't want my tesseract to smell like Spring Rain or Country Flowers or Baby Powder or Vinegar!  I don't want to smother any part of my skin in the glandular or digestive secretions of any mammal (or fish or foul either).  And I don't want to leave a smothering trail of patchouli in my wake when I walk around the office.  Honestly, ladies (and gentlemen) using consistent personal hygiene is all you need, brush your teeth, bathe regularly, etc.. Layers of scented lotions, body sprays, perfumes and all that other stuff really makes you stink... so much worse than you would without them.


No, Tesseracts are NOT gross!

Please stop listening to those teenage boys whose opinions should have never mattered back then, and certainly should not be echoing in your head 20-30 years later. It is a self-cleaning unit, like some ovens. Now, if you are noting that you are busily baking pies all day, every day, you may need to give it a little extra attention, to keep it dewy-fresh, but, GIRL, you keep those nasty chemical sprays away from your yoni. Look at it in the mirror: does it want unnatural scented, alcohol based stench? NO! A gentle soap and water works very nicely. If you note that soap and water are not working, or anything seems abnormal, please see a medical professional. Your tessaract is a treasure! If you feel the "Not So Fresh Feeling", and feel the need, try something self-made:
Homemade herbal intimate wash
xo, Satin